Tuesday, January 28, 2014

MPP Chapter 7 and 8

Chapter 7 "Captain Cook Builds a Nest"


Idle – not engaged in work
Rookery – a breeding place for sea birds, seals, etc. 

Comprehension Questions –
1. What was the result of Captain Cook’s trips through the house? 

2. From memory, name ten items Captain Cook had in his rookery.

3. What do you think Mr. Popper is going to do with a few yards of clothesline? 

Chapter 8  "Penguin's Promenade"

Reasonable - sensible
Derby – stiff felt hat with a curved, narrow brim Graciously – kindly; politely
Tripod – article having three feet or legs Bystander – an onlooker

Comprehension Questions –
1.What did Mrs. Callahan think Captain Cook was? 

2. What did the photographer think Captain Cook was? 

3. Where did Mr. Popper take Captain Cook to escape the crowds? 

4. What makes you curious about the statement at the end of the chapter (“The man who kept the barbershop had, up to this time, been a very good friend of Mr. Popper’s.”)? 

1 comment:

  1. Responses:
    1. Captain Cook trip through the house was very surprising.
    2. Ten things - a nail file, four buttons, a teaspoon, seven marbles, a tiny doll chair, an eraser, a door key, two screws, five building blocks, and an olive
    3. Go on a walk with Captain Cook.

    1. She thought it was an owl.
    2. He thought it was a strange bird.
    3. Mr. Popper took the penguin to the barbershop.
    The next chapter is about the barbershop.
