Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Chapter 5 and 6

Chapter 5- "Troubles with a Penguins"

Ice Box – refrigerator
Indignantly – righteously angry 

Remodeled – to make over or anew

Comprehension Questions –
  1. What did Mr. Popper pay the serviceman with? 
  2. What did the serviceman do to the icebox? 
  3. What happened when the serviceman spotted Captain Cook? 

Chapter 6- "More Troubles"


Municipal – pertaining to a town or city or its local government 

Ordinance – a law of a municipal body

Comprehension Questions
  1. Where did Mr. Popper call to obtain a license for Captain Cook? 
  2. Act out Mr. Popper’s phone call with City Hall. 

1 comment:

  1. Responses:
    1. Mr. Popper payed the serviceman with a five dollar bill.
    2. The serviceman put holes int eh ice box.
    3. The serviceman ran out the back door.

    1. Mr. Popper called the city hoall after the policeman left.
