Love you bunches! MOM
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Hello Miss Rae,
How are you doing today? I hope you are ready to do so cool school things! Take a look and get busy!
- Work on card desks that you have been busy working on this week. Green, Yellow (especially weeks 8 - 24), Orange. Add in the states cards too orange deck.
-Science - Watch YouTube:
-So.Studies - "The Preamble" to the Constitution- This is something we have kids memorize. (Just the Preamble)
Here is a video about the parts of the U.S. government. It starts out as a Power Point, but hang on, it goes into a "School House Rock" version.
_ Cursive Writing- Find the "Preamble" document file on desktop of my computer. I couldn't print because the printer is out of ink. I would like for you to copy the "Preamble" in cursive in your cursive notebook.
-Science - Watch Brainpop - Weather/Clouds
Also watch Weather
Create Vocabulary cards for all bold printed words up to where you read last (page 117) in Science book. Check out this website on Weather:
-Reading - Complete worksheet on weather map. Work on TLtWatW worksheet for Chapters 3,4, and 5. **Read two skinny books from blue shelf and leave them out on table so you can show me
what you read today.
-Math - Watch Brainpop - Roman Numerals:
Commutative Property
Associative Property -
Complete 16 - 30 SML # 65 Textbook
*Go over leaves cards to practice for Forestry. I will try to find some pics. for you to view of diseases and insects.

Love you bunches! MOM
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