Friday, August 28, 2015

Something for you to check out in your spare time!

Here is a website that I want you to check out.  It is about kids brain health.

Monday, August 24, 2015

August 26 - Skylark, Cats and Simple Machines

Hello Rachel -

You will find a link to the movie that goes along with the book "Skylark".  I want to watch it with you!

I hope this link will show the full movie.

In the books "Sarah Plain and Tall" and "Skylark", Sarah had a cat.  What was its name?

Take a look at this art idea for creating a cat collage:
Want to try to make a cat collage?  I do!

One more cool slide show on Simple Machines:


Hey Rachel:

Here is some more information about the kind of horse that Fancy is (from the book "Fancy" by Kristin Earhart) Fancy is a Welsh pony.

Here is some more information about the kind of horse that Diamond is (from the book "Diamond" by Suzanne Weyn)

Diamond is an Arabian horse.  Here are some links about those kinds of horses.\

Model horses:

BrainPop:  Horses:

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Clocks and Simple Machines

Clocks:  If you were able to look at the inside of a clock, you would see many simple machine at work.  Listed below are a few links that I would like for you to read/view about clock and the inside of a clock:
Inside a Wind-Up-Clock:

Clocks:  "Big Ben"

Clock at Grand Central Station in New York:

Watch: Reading Rainbow:  Book "Animal Cafe" LaVar look at a city that never sleeps!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Welcome back to school!

Hello Rachel Marie Marett!
Welcome back to school.  I know you did not want me to use the blog, however, I wanted to put some links here that I wanted you to explore:



Rounding: //


Simple Machines:

The setting for "Skylark" is the prairie.  Check out this link about the prairie:

Parts of Speech:

Reading Rainbow - Mom's favorite show! 

"Little Nino's Pizzeria

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Wednesday 5-20-15

Hello Rachel,
Today is "Popa Phil's birthday.  He was born in 1938.  How old is he today?  You can create a birthday card for him if you would like to as a part of you "art" lesson today!

Here is the rest of today's work:
Card decks- Green ALL human body cards, Yellow weeks 8 - 24, Purple - history (ALL), and Orange states/capitals, and American landmarks and geographic features.  Say the information on cards to me 

Click on US maps to view.  Be sure to check out the US. landforms map, US rivers, capital cities, time zones, etc.  
DO - Worksheet:  “Geography of the Midwest Region”

Reminder - 4H Forestry Practice today.  I will take you around 2:45.  

Watch "America, The Story of US" with mom

Science – Watch: “ This video shows the water cycle:
Ed Helper Science worksheet “Water Vapor and Weather”
Create a vocabulary card for word hygrometer –include definition

Math- SML # 66 16-30 - Complete last half of H pg. 108 today
Ed Helper Math worksheet – complete 1 pg.

-Reading - Read Ch. 7 in "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe” complete worksheets that go along with Ch. 7

-Read two skinny books, OR 1 Non-fiction book ch. 1-3

-Cursive - Copy John 3:16 from the Bible in cursive.  Be sure and put the scripture reference.

-Go to and work on list called month of the year and days of the week.  

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Tues. May 19

Card decks- Green ALL human body cards, Yellow weeks 8 - 24, Purple - history (ALL), and Orange states/capitals, and American landmarks and geographic features.  Say the information on cards to me 

So. Studies -  Check out this website:
Click on US maps to view.  Be sure to check out the US. landforms map, US rivers, capital cities, time zones, etc.  

Watch "America, The Story of US" with mom

Science -  Watch "Magic School Bus Kicks Up a Storm"  This video show a weather man explaining weather fronts:  Another one:

Math- SML # 66 16-30  Complete half of H pg. 108 today

-Reading - Read Ch. 6 in "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe"  complete worksheets that go along with Ch. 6

-Read two skinny books.

-Cursive -  Copy poem on page. 37 (Tan Book) called "I'm Making A List"  Be sure to add the author's name at the end of you copied poem. By  Shel Silverstein

-Go to and work on list called month of the year and days of the week.  

***Go over leaves pictures for "Forestry". 

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Monday, May 18

Monday, May 18, 2015

Howdy Miss Rae!
Today you are going to have Mr. Kaleb Marett again for a substitute teacher since I will be away attending staff development at the Currahee campus of NGTC.

Card decks- Green ALL human body cards, Yellow weeks 8 - 24, Purple - history (ALL), and Orange states/capitals, and American landmarks and geographic features.  Say the information on cards to Kaleb.

-So. Studies:  Check out this website
I want you to work on the Interactive map of the U.S.A.  There is more on that site besides information on U.S.A. and maps.  I would like for you to stay on the part of this site called U.S. History Maps.
Two BrainPop-Social Studies:

-Science - Read in Science book pgs. 118 - 121  Write vocabulary words (bold print) on index cards with their definitions.   BrainPop - Water Cycle 


-Math - Finish "H" pg. 107    SML #66 Mr. Marett will need to go over the Warm-up and the Lesson Plan.  Complete problems 1 -15 - Mr. Marett will check your work.

-Reading - Read Ch. 6 in "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe"  complete worksheets that go along with Ch. 6

-Read two skinny books.

-Cursive - Copy poem on pg. 92 (in cursive) called "Scrambled"  be sure and add by (put author of poem's name) at the end.

***Go over leaves pictures for "Forestry".

Love you bunches!  MOM

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Friday, May 15, 2015

Hello Rachel!
Happy Friday to you!
- Work on card desks that you have been busy working on this week.  Green, Yellow (especially weeks 8 - 24), Orange.  Add in the states cards too orange deck.

 - Math - Test 12  -Complete 1/2 of H pg. 107 (36 problems)

-Reading - Work on TLtWatW worksheet for Chapters 4, and 5.  I really need you to complete the paper work Ch. 4 and 5.
**Read two skinny books from blue shelf and leave them out on table so you can show me what you read today.  I really need you to complete the paper work Ch. 4 and 5.

-Watch the last episode of "The Story of America" with Mom

*Go over leaves cards to practice for Forestry.  I will try to find some pics. for you to view of diseases and insects. 


Thursday May 14, 2015

Love you bunches!  MOM  

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Hello Miss Rae,
How are you doing today?  I hope you are ready to do so cool school things!  Take a look and get busy!

- Work on card desks that you have been busy working on this week.  Green, Yellow (especially weeks 8 - 24), Orange.  Add in the states cards too orange deck.

-Science - Watch YouTube:

-So.Studies - "The Preamble" to the Constitution- This is something we have kids memorize.  (Just the Preamble)

Here is a video about the parts of the U.S. government.  It starts out as a Power Point, but hang on, it goes into a "School House Rock" version.

_ Cursive Writing- Find the "Preamble" document file on desktop of my computer.  I couldn't print because the printer is out of ink.  I would like for you to copy the "Preamble" in cursive in your cursive notebook.

-Science - Watch Brainpop - Weather/Clouds
Also watch Weather
Create Vocabulary cards for all bold printed words up to where you read last (page 117) in Science book. Check out this website on Weather:

-Reading - Complete worksheet on weather map.  Work on TLtWatW worksheet for Chapters 3,4, and 5.  **Read two skinny books from blue shelf and leave them out on table so you can show me

what you read today.

-Math - Watch Brainpop - Roman Numerals:
Commutative Property
Associative Property -

Complete 16 - 30 SML # 65 Textbook

*Go over leaves cards to practice for Forestry.  I will try to find some pics. for you to view of diseases and insects.
Love you bunches!  MOM

Monday, May 11, 2015

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Howdy Rae!
Are you ready for another blog entry to let you know about the wonderful things you need to do on Tuesday, May 12?  From what you substitute teacher told me, it sounded like you had a great day on Monday.  Here we go:

______ Go over the card decks that we've been working on for math, geography, and science. Green, Orange, and yellow - not complete decks - read card information to Kaleb.

______Science: Watch this You Tube video about "The Forest".  It is a little more than 20 minutes.  I think you will enjoy it:

            Read pgs. 116-117 in your Science book.  Write vocabulary words (bold print) and their definitions on index cards.

______Reading:  >There are sets of reading sheets that you need to complete another set today.  >Work on worksheets that go along with "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe".  >Read 2 skinny books from blue shelf and write their titles on a sheet of notebook paper for me to see. 

______ Math:  >Watch: "Basic Probability" on and watch "Factoring"
  >Complete J, pg. 106  >SML #65 Warm - Complete 1 - 15 in your math notebook.  Let Mr. Marett check your work using solutions book.  

*Go over pictures of leaves to practice for forestry.  Get Kaleb to help you with this by letting him quiz you on them.  

_____ Cursive Writing - Practice writing the poem "The Dog" from blue poetry book in cursive (using your cursive notebook)

______Social Studies/Geography:  Watch "Time Zones" and then choose another BrainPop in So. St. section to watch.  Also, watch "The Great Depression" in So. Studies section.  

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Monday - May 11, 2015

Hello Rachel Rae!

I will miss working with you today.  I hope you will do well with the substitute teacher, Mr. Marett!
He will be a good substitute for me today while I am away at training!  I am going to make a list of things you need to be sure to do today below.  Enjoy your day and do your best on your work!
Mom  :)

Monday, May 11, 2105

______ Go over the card decks that we've been working on for math, geography, and science. Green, Orange, and yellow - not complete decks - read card information to Kaleb.

______Watch short U.S. history video from YouTube:

______Here is another YouTube video about the U.S. Presidents:

______Reading:  >There are sets of reading sheets that you need to complete.  1 set today.  >Work on worksheets that go along with "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe".  >Read 2 skinny books from blue shelf and write their titles on a sheet of notebook paper for me to see.

______ Math:  Watch: "Adding and Subtracting Fractions" on and watch "Converting Fractions to Decimals"
>Correct problems you missed from Saxon Math Lesson #64.  >Complete J, pg. 106
>Mr. Marett will go over SML #65 Warm - up and New Concepts.  >You will complete practice set together.

______Science:  >Watch "Fossil Fuels" on and "Weather" in Science section on BP.
>Read pages. 114 - 115 in Science book (may have already do this) and >do questions 1 - 4 at bottom of pg. 115.

*Go over pictures of leaves to practice for forestry.

_____>Cursive:  Write the months of the year and day of the week in your cursive book.  >See list on Spelling City:

OR you can find a copy of this list saved to the desktop on this computer.
I love you!  Mom